How to prepare an effective to-do list

How to prepare an effective to-do list

Forgot an important event? Stressed because of so many tasks to complete? No longer motivated to finish your goals? These will make you unproductive.

A To-do list is a must to get your activities done in order to achieve greater goals. It should be designed to meet your deadlines, cover all your tasks, and manage your time. 

Be productive, meet your deadlines, and have a stress-free day using a to-do list.

To-do list printables

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Here's what you should do first before you write down your to-do list. 

  • Remove things that do not need a reminder. Like opening an email since you will be doing it anyway.         

  • See what needs to delegate to save your time and effort.

  • See things to reschedule for a later day so you give your attention to other things that are urgent.          

  •  Focus on your top 3 most important things so you can see what needs your attention right away. Tick them off as you complete tasks. 

  • Be specific about what you want to achieve. Eyes on the prize to help you focus

  • Base your to-do list with your weekly, monthly, and yearly planner. Treat your to-do list as baby steps in achieving your short and long-term goals. 

  • Start with a fresh page daily. Another day, another set of tasks to complete. De-clutter your page by focusing on what matters for that day only. 

  • Allocate 5-10 minutes in between tasks for something unexpected. Use this buffer time to refresh your mind or catch up with unfinished tasks. 

  • Don't waste time decorating your planner. Who's guilty? 

Looking for life and home planners? Look at this printable planner that includes 14 planners for a tiny price.

  • Use a phrase or inspiring quote to inspire yourself. 

  • Give room for improvement. You are not superwoman. If your to-do list gives you a headache, check these guidelines again. 

  • Make use of Post-it notes for a sudden idea that comes to your mind. 

  • Assign time estimates. You need to research, giving yourself an hour to do to stop yourself from browsing an unimportant website. 

  •  Be sure to still give quality to your work

  • Keep it simple

  • Have a  brain dump notepad. Our imagination has no limit. There’s always something that you don’t want to lose. Your kid’s toy he asked you to buy and a recipe you stumbled upon. We do not want to clutter our to-do list. So have separate notes for those things. 

Use a separate goal planner 

Slay Your Goals Planner is a printable planner that helps to set actionable goals and slay them. Your ordinary planner will keep you organized but the Slay Your Goals Planner will help you achieve your goals. 

This planner will help you to slay days and crush your goals. You will also be able to journal your daily challenges to combat them.  

Look at the 7 Days To Better Productivity & Time Management program that will help you to get more done and do more of what matters, every day.  In over 7 days, this program will help you to:

  • Spend your best time on your top priorities
  • Set up a radically effective time-management system
  • Learn better habits for working productively and for avoiding distractions and time wasters.

Any productivity tips you can add to our list? Comment it down below. 

Follow me on Pinterest where I share the best-saving money ideas, productivity tips, and ways to make money blogging.  


How to prepare an effective to-do list


  1. These are great tips. I don't always do to-do lists coz I know I will never complete them. I just to things as they come. But maybe I just didn't have the right method! xx corinne

    1. you can download the free to do list in this page to start. Thank you.

  2. I am the QUEEN of lists! If it's not written down, it won't get done.

  3. I love to do list they always keep me on task. This is an great way to prepare a to do list.

  4. Having a to do list is what makes my life manageable. Without it I would be list. It also makes me feel accomplished when I see everything crossed off.

  5. I like the idea of assigning time estimates per to list. That way you can work out how much time it will take to complete the list x

  6. Thank you for this. I really need to start making lists. I forget things so easily.

    1. You can use the free download "to do list" above. Thank you.

  7. Great tips. I think I need to rethink my to do list. I just keep an ongoing list and just add to it! lol This sounds like a much better idea.

  8. Great Post! I love your tips. I would definitely use these when I too many things to organize in my head. Thanks for sharing.
    XOXO //SINCERELY OPHELIA | NYC Petite Fashion Blogger</a

  9. I'm definitely the Type A personality that has to have things organized and planned. I have so many lists! I love the idea of putting the top 3 "must do's" at the top.

  10. I am so horrible at listing. I have a journal so I am trying to do better!

  11. Omg, how right you are! It's so easy to procrastinate, I just love your list of how to just get it done! Great stuff!

  12. This are great tips. Honestly I always have a daily to-do list on a post-it paper to remind me of everything that needs to be done for a day. But in the end, I still skipped most of it because of distractions... this post is a great help. Thanks!

  13. I like overestimating the time it takes me to do something in order to make sure that I can live stress free. When I underestimate it just puts up too much pressure.

  14. I always do lists, have so many things to remember. I feel like once wrote is half done and I can't miss it!

  15. I failed on this subject :) i made list but finishes it randomly according to my whims :)

  16. My to-do list usually comes with a time frame or a complete schedule. I want to handle my time efficiently because I hate working all day and I want to make sure that I have time for my kids and time for myself.

  17. I love jotting things down otherwise I'll go nowhere. Thanks for the lovely tips. For me, keeping it simple is key.

  18. I've always had a to do list ever since I was in college. It helped my delegate what I need to accomplish at the best time possible. Now I use a bullet planner because it helps me keep track of everything better. :)

  19. Will remember the points you've mentioned. This will certainly help increasing productivity.

  20. Great tips! My biggest challenge is to not get down on myself if I don't get through my whole to-do list!

  21. I love to-do lists. They definitely help me stay on track. I cant wait to incorporate some of your tips to my next list! Thanks XO

  22. Thank you for these amazing tips! I always have a crazy long to do list as a blogger. I get overwhelmed by it all easily. These tips will help me organize my to do list to get the more accomplished in a day.

  23. I am obsessed with planners and lists! I feel like my life is so much more organized when I use them!

  24. Thanks for sharing. I am totally absent minded and I can use some advice from this article

  25. There is nothing like a good to do list, I am so awful at forgetting anything that isn't written down safely.

  26. I am a list maker so this is good info for me. I always over estimate my times so I dont feel stressed

  27. I should probably start doing this. I tend to forget things if I don't write them down.

  28. I always make a daily "to do" list, but wasn't always sure hoe effective it was. Thanks for the great tips!

  29. NAH! This what I need! I always make a to do list, but always ends with fail! Thank you for the tips!

  30. I need to make a to do list. I love to write things out and plan. I need to pick up a new planner so I can start.

  31. I realllllly need to start doing to do lists! I have a habit of mentally noting something and then forgetting-especially since I'm now pregnant! Pregnancy brain makes me forget EVERYTHING haha

  32. I can't imagine living without to-do lists but lately I've minimized them to only super important stuff. I've relaxed a little bit!

  33. I really needed this right now. I have been struggling with organizing things so this serves to help motivate me a great deal.

  34. Keeping my to-do list simplified is something I struggle with. I tend to go a bit overboard!

  35. I need to work on my To Do list, I start one and then lose track of where I am. I need to get better organized.

  36. I just recently got my planner back in order. I was a mess before!

  37. I think putting your most important tasks at the top of the list is essential (I've never thought of it before, though). I always seem to get the unimportant stuff done and forget about everything else!

  38. I agree that it is important to have your most important tasks at the top. Sometimes my lists have lists. What I like most about having a list is when I can cross off each thing that I have completed.

  39. This planner sounds perfect! I love all of the addons you can get to stay organized. I need that.

  40. Really great post. I will have to use these tips.

  41. I love having a planner, it keeps me so on track and helps me organize my business!

  42. It's so important to be organized. Life is crazy and unless you have a plan things can get out of hand very quickly. I am a pencil and paper girl, so I love beautiful hard-cover planners!

  43. I love your post. Keeping things organize and having a list are so important in being effective. Thanks for sharing.

  44. Loved your post. It is so important to keep things organised otherwise we miss on a lot of important tasks.

  45. This is great! I have really been trying to get more organized and you always have great tips!

  46. I am a BIG planner and I use lists and organizers faithfully. Love your tip to put the top 3 most important tasks at the top of the list. I actually haven't tried that before. I'm going to start doing this because I know it will be very helpful for me when planning my days!

  47. These are great tips. I love making "to do" lists and I keep writing only one thing on my list every day this week: FINISH BOOK PROPOSAL. Deadline in Friday. Here's to hoping!

  48. Love these ideas. I am constantly trying to do things and find myself with a list that never ends. I certainly needed some ideas to keep me on track.

  49. having a to-do list ready for a week period is helpful to make daily tasks in order. (Marcelo Pareja)

  50. I love using a planner! I try to make an entire weeks worth of planning, sometimes I can get just a few days, sometimes 2 weeks. These are great suggestions though. Some I will definitely be implementing into my planning routine.

  51. Super tips, these! I use an online planner that I can tick off, breaking everything down into manageable, achievable pieces. It seems to work for me. :)

  52. I REALLY need to start using a planner. I'm so unorganized it's unreal! LOL

    Louise x

  53. I have multiple planners, because I am absolutely OBSESSED with them. They help to make the world go round, as far as I'm concerned. For everything important, I always come up with to-do lists, because it helps me stay organized. I hate to work under unorganized and chaotic conditions.

  54. I love to-do lists. Crossing things off of them is one of my favorite things of all time! I can definitely improve my list game by doing better at prioritizing each task. Good lookin' out! :)

  55. Love me a good list!! Good tips x

  56. I'm always drawn to posts about lists! - Yours had new things in it.. Thanks!

  57. I use a to-do list, and it is great also for not forgetting what you need to do or buy. It's vital in order to stay sane.

  58. these are great tips. I'm all about making my lists on coloured post it notes - I leave them pinned up wherever the list has the most amount of stuff to be done. I would say it works 70% of the time.
