A simple trick to ACTUALLY stick to your goals!

One of the reasons we’re all bad about sticking to our goals is that we don’t see big results right away.

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to lose weight, pay off credit cards, or quit smoking. We stick with the plan for a few weeks and then start to lose interest and motivation.

It takes a lot to keep going and it isn’t easy to change our habits for the better.

What we need to stay on track with our goals is a little motivation. If we can see that we’re moving in the right direction (even if it isn’t always as fast as we’d like it to be, we’ll keep going and opt for the salad instead of pizza or cook at home instead of going to our favorite restaurant.)

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We see it by tracking and measuring and writing it down. 

It doesn’t matter if you use a Goal Planner or an app. You want to be able to see that progress in front of you in black and white.

Let’s talk about what to track. 

If you want to lose weight, write down your weight each day (or once a week if that works better for you). Get out a measuring tape and measure your waist, leg, arm circumference, etc. Write those measurements down as well and re-measure them every month or two. 

Even when the scale doesn’t seem to want to move in the right direction for a while, you’ll still see progress in your body measurements. 

And having all this data can be very motivating. 6 months into your weight loss journey, you may not see a lot of change day to day, but looking back at how heavy you were on day one and how far you’ve come already will keep you going.

If your resolution is to stop smoking, make a checkmark on your calendar for each day you made it without a cigarette. As the check marks start to add up, so will your resolve to keep it up.

If your goal is to pay down credit card debt, or build a financial safety net, keep a running total of your numbers. Being able to record what you did might be just the motivation you need to apply that bonus check instead of spending it on new shoes.

life and goal planners

Do you see where I’m going here? 

It doesn’t matter what your resolution is, keeping track of how you’re doing and how far you’ve come already can be a big motivator to stick to the plan until you reach your goal.



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